Tag Archives: Weight Loss

My Week


First thing to say was it was a big weight loss this week.  I had been more focused (other than eldest’s birthday), and it obviously paid off.  A few more weeks like that (the focus not necessarily the big weight loss, although that would be nice) and I’d feel I’d be back right on track.

Again this week I ran more than was on my plan.  Last Sunday I woke up feeling off colour, so I decided not to run.  Instead I ran on Monday with a friend, Tuesday did my interval sessions, and ended up running twice on Wednesday, once with my friend and once with my daughter.  So I decided to go on the turbo on Thursday for a change and had a rest day Friday. It was parkrun Saturday and finally I did a longer slow run on Sunday-something that I had missed doing. So again it was a packed week, but I must make sure I am not going too far into the short, faster stuff and losing all the endurance that I had built up marathon training.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon




My Week


First thing to say was I put on weight.  Second week in a row.  Both fully deserved, as I have been sticking to the plan maybe 75%.  Meals have been good, but little extras have crept in.  I need to fully focus as that’s what brings results.  My leader gave me a good tip of writing down why I want to lose weight, but also why I don’t.  I do feel my focus reforming, especially as I have so many running aims to complete this year, and weight loss will only help.  So it’s time to focus, focus, focus.

As for the running, well I over ran this week.  A series of events (friends asking me to run with them) meant I ran Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Unsurprisingly my run on Thursday, although absolutely beautiful as I ran alongside the canal path, was very tough.  For someone that is used to running 3-4 times a week, it was overkill.  Maybe at some stage I will be running that much, but so far (touching wood) I have been luck with illness and injury.  I don’t want to push my luck.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Counting down

sand timer

The clock is ticking and we are now looking at hours rather than days!  The past few weeks have really passed by quickly and on Sunday will be something that I have been preparing for for several months and looking forward for years!

I am still not nervous although it is increasingly taking most of my thoughts.  I have tried to make lists and make sure I am organised and don’t forget anything daft-like my trainers or entry letter!

Lots of people say they feel terrible during taper, or conversely wonderful.  I don’t feel either-just normal!  It does feel like ages since I did a really long run, although the past two Sundays I have done 8 and 12 miles.  I think because I am not putting any pressure on myself-I just want to finish-that has helped with the nerves.

So today I have really thought about my hydration and have been drinking water and squash regularly.  Although I have not been sticking to healthy eating plan I have tried not to go too mad as I know it can make me feel yukky.

Expo tomorrow and I think the excitement and nerves will build…

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers:

1lb off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 body pump class

1 aqua aerobic class

1 zumba class

1 metafit class

My Week in words:

A pound is a pound, and you always want more, but I am satisfied.  I am still running and exercising consistently and to be honest Christmas is a distant memory and I am back in my old routine fully.  I have had several compliments recently which is always lovely and helps me to keep the motivation when I think I have so much more to go.  I just think ‘what will people say when they see me and I have lost double this!’

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon








My Week


My Week in numbers:

2 1/2 lb off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 bodypump class

1 aqua aerobics class

1 metafit class


My week in words:

This was the first week where I made a deliberate decision not to attend an exercise class.  I was really tired on Tuesday night, as the past week and a half I had been working full time and had been fitting classes in in the evening.  So I didn’t go to body conditioning and quite honestly felt so much better for it.  I enjoyed the classes I went to and do realise that I may have to reduce my classes as my marathon training increases.

But overall I felt good.  The running is going well, with more interval work making it challenging.  I had a lovely meal out on Saturday but apart from that kept on track and was delighted by the weight loss.  And I have had a few nice comments which is always welcome!!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My week


My week in numbers:

Weight: 4lb off (1 more then all of the Christmas weight will be gone!)

3 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 bodypump class

1 body conditioning class

1 zumba class

1 aqua aerobics

1 metafit class

My week in words:

I am so pleased for so many reasons.  I have got back into the swing of healthy eating and exercising happily.  I managed to do all five classes and the running has been going well.  I was chuffed to learn that I had put on 5lbs over Christmas (I thought it would be double that) but I had lost 4lbs this week.  It’s been a great start to the year and I hope it can continue.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Surviving Christmas


It’s coming up shortly to the time of year that all slimmers dread: Christmas.

Just as holidays mean a break in routine, so does Christmas, with the added factor that so much of this celebration revolves around food.

I am going to consider food and exercise separately when looking at how to manage over the Christmas period.



I think there are four strategies when dealing with food.  Some will cause more weight gain than others, and as long as you realise the consequences of each action and are prepared to accept it, go for whichever one suits you.


  1. Stick to your healthy eating plan completely.  Ignore any extra treats, carry on as usual.
  2. Stick to your healthy eating plan but build in treats you have planned for.
  3. Go all out and enjoy yourself.  Forget about the healthy eating plan.
  4. This is very similar to 3.  Go all out but decide for how long.  Maybe just Christmas day and Boxing Day, or all of Christmas week.Each strategy has its merits and problems.  Be realistic.  Can you stick to your plan entirely when others are eating their body weight in chocolate?  If you go all out, can you regain control without doing too much damage?  How will you feel if you get on the scales and you have put on half a stone?


Many people have time off over the Christmas period but this does not automatically that extra exercise can be fitted in.  Gyms and clubs close or run skeleton services.  Families visit.  You find you have a lot more to do than if you were at work!  And for people who have no time off, all those things apply too!  Again there are different strategies you can adopt to get you through this period.


  1. Stick to your routine in its entirety.
  2. Keep doing aspects of your routine but at a reduced volume, or making changes to it.
  3. Put your feet up and forget about exercise until the New Year.

Once again each has its merits, although if you combine no exercise and lots of food, you may be undoing a lot of your good work, as well as starting the New Year feeling rough.  There are many factors to consider and family is a huge one.  Going out for a run as Christmas dinner is being prepared may not be your smartest move, but an early run on Boxing Day may not disrupt the household at all.


As for me, I plan to keep to an exercise plan as much as possible, but I know that it will be affected as many classes have been cancelled over the Christmas period.  And for food…my plan is to go for what I want but for a few days, and certainly not until the New Year.  I would like to start 2014 feeling fit and healthy!

Have a wonderful Christmas.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon





My Week


My week in numbers:

1 1/2lbs off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 body pump class

1 body conditioning class

1 zumba class


My week in words:

You could have knocked me down with a feather when I stepped on those scales.  I was convinced that I had gained weight.  Real life meant I missed aqua and metafit and it also meant I went out for three meals.  Yes three!  So I was convinced that I had gained weight.


Whether it’s a reprieve for one week only, I don’t know.  But I did stick to the plan for the rest of the time and haven’t indulged in treats apart from the meals out.  And I did what I could in terms of exercise.  So I will see next week, but what amazes me the most is that I am gymming and slimming in December!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers:

1 1/2lb off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 bodypump class

1 body conditioning class

1 zumba class

1 metafit class

My Week in words:

Pleased again with another weight loss and keeping up with the exercise regime.  I planned to do aqua but the class was cancelled which was a shame but I certainly worked hard in the other classes, especially body conditioning and metafit.  However with lots of events and Christmassy things occurring, I know that there may be some not great numbers to come in the next few weeks!!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon


My Week


My Week in numbers:

2 1/2 lbs off

4 runs

1 Bodypump class

1 body conditioning  class

1 zumba class

1 aqua aerobics class

1 metafit class

My week in words

I am obviously pleased about my weight loss but this week I am very excited about the fact I have done so much exercise.  it’s the first time I have done five classes in a week and after last week’s stress-fest at work, it felt brilliant.  My mileage has been increasing too and I ran a solid (although windswept) parkrun.  So happy days!

Hope you have had a good week too.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon