My Week


My week in numbers:

1 1/2lbs off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 body pump class

1 body conditioning class

1 zumba class


My week in words:

You could have knocked me down with a feather when I stepped on those scales.  I was convinced that I had gained weight.  Real life meant I missed aqua and metafit and it also meant I went out for three meals.  Yes three!  So I was convinced that I had gained weight.


Whether it’s a reprieve for one week only, I don’t know.  But I did stick to the plan for the rest of the time and haven’t indulged in treats apart from the meals out.  And I did what I could in terms of exercise.  So I will see next week, but what amazes me the most is that I am gymming and slimming in December!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

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