Tag Archives: My progress

My Week


First thing to say was it was a big weight loss this week.  I had been more focused (other than eldest’s birthday), and it obviously paid off.  A few more weeks like that (the focus not necessarily the big weight loss, although that would be nice) and I’d feel I’d be back right on track.

Again this week I ran more than was on my plan.  Last Sunday I woke up feeling off colour, so I decided not to run.  Instead I ran on Monday with a friend, Tuesday did my interval sessions, and ended up running twice on Wednesday, once with my friend and once with my daughter.  So I decided to go on the turbo on Thursday for a change and had a rest day Friday. It was parkrun Saturday and finally I did a longer slow run on Sunday-something that I had missed doing. So again it was a packed week, but I must make sure I am not going too far into the short, faster stuff and losing all the endurance that I had built up marathon training.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon




My Week


First thing to say was I put on weight.  Second week in a row.  Both fully deserved, as I have been sticking to the plan maybe 75%.  Meals have been good, but little extras have crept in.  I need to fully focus as that’s what brings results.  My leader gave me a good tip of writing down why I want to lose weight, but also why I don’t.  I do feel my focus reforming, especially as I have so many running aims to complete this year, and weight loss will only help.  So it’s time to focus, focus, focus.

As for the running, well I over ran this week.  A series of events (friends asking me to run with them) meant I ran Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Unsurprisingly my run on Thursday, although absolutely beautiful as I ran alongside the canal path, was very tough.  For someone that is used to running 3-4 times a week, it was overkill.  Maybe at some stage I will be running that much, but so far (touching wood) I have been luck with illness and injury.  I don’t want to push my luck.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week



It was back on the running plan this week, after a gentle week post London.  With a 10k at the end of May I have taken a 10k plan and shoehorned it into the dwindling number of weeks!  My aim is to run 3-4 times a week, including parkrun whenever possible.

So this week started with an interval session, which had me puffing!  They are tough, but I do feel the benefits-I think.  then a 3 miler and on Saturday a parkrun PB! Whoopie!  And a 4 miler to finish off.  It feels odd to do shorter distances after so long building up the miles, but I do have to remind myself I am only 2 weeks post marathon and they say the body needs a day a mile (i.e. 26 days) to recover.  Down size: I put on weight this week.  I do want to lose weight as I know I am not at target yet, and I want to get quicker!  So I do need to sort myself out and start losing regularly again.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My Week in numbers

Stayed the same

4 runs

2 exercise classes

1 zumba class

1 aqua aerobics class

My week in words:

Not too disappointed as I have had some great weight losses recently. Probably been over doing the food at the weekend, but it’s tricky post long run, and I am conscious not to eat everything in sight but equally, often I am hungry.  But will take this week, as long as I start losing again quickly!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers;

Didn’t weigh in

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 zumba class

1 metafit class

My week in words:

There wasn’t an ulterior motive for not weighing in.  In fact I didn’t decide not to until quite late in the week.  The reasons were due to a cancelled parkrun and picking up a friend.  But I am fairly happy with what I ate all week, and again I couldn’t attend all the classes I wanted to due to work commitments.   running is going well-but half term looms…

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers;

2lbs on

3 runs

1 zumba class

My week in words:

I am not surprised by putting the weight on, as I ate out the evening before I weighed in.  But I am disappointed in myself as on Thursday I had my first blow out.  Not a massive one, but I did feel disappointed in myself.

Added to that was the lack of exercise.  I have been thinking about reducing down my classes as the marathon training increases, but this lack of classes was due to real life getting in the way .  Only positive of this week is that marathon training is still on track.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers:

1lb off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 body pump class

1 aqua aerobic class

1 zumba class

1 metafit class

My Week in words:

A pound is a pound, and you always want more, but I am satisfied.  I am still running and exercising consistently and to be honest Christmas is a distant memory and I am back in my old routine fully.  I have had several compliments recently which is always lovely and helps me to keep the motivation when I think I have so much more to go.  I just think ‘what will people say when they see me and I have lost double this!’

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon








My Week


My Week in numbers:

2 1/2 lb off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 bodypump class

1 aqua aerobics class

1 metafit class


My week in words:

This was the first week where I made a deliberate decision not to attend an exercise class.  I was really tired on Tuesday night, as the past week and a half I had been working full time and had been fitting classes in in the evening.  So I didn’t go to body conditioning and quite honestly felt so much better for it.  I enjoyed the classes I went to and do realise that I may have to reduce my classes as my marathon training increases.

But overall I felt good.  The running is going well, with more interval work making it challenging.  I had a lovely meal out on Saturday but apart from that kept on track and was delighted by the weight loss.  And I have had a few nice comments which is always welcome!!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My Week in numbers:

3 lbs off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 bodypump class

1 aqua aerobics class

1 body  conditioning class

1 metafit class

My week in words:

I am delighted by my weight loss this week as it takes me to lower than my pre-Christmas weight.  It also means that I am back on the wagon despite my routine being completely changed.  I am pleased that this feels like normal, and the Christmas binge felt temporary. I know the longer this continues the more likely it will be  a natural part of my life.

all the best,

Woody running spoon


My week


My week in numbers:

Weight: 4lb off (1 more then all of the Christmas weight will be gone!)

3 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 bodypump class

1 body conditioning class

1 zumba class

1 aqua aerobics

1 metafit class

My week in words:

I am so pleased for so many reasons.  I have got back into the swing of healthy eating and exercising happily.  I managed to do all five classes and the running has been going well.  I was chuffed to learn that I had put on 5lbs over Christmas (I thought it would be double that) but I had lost 4lbs this week.  It’s been a great start to the year and I hope it can continue.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon