My week


My week in numbers:

2lbs off

4 runs (including 1 parkrun)

1 Bodypump class

1 Zumba

1 aqua aerobics class

1 metafit class

My week in words:

Another good week.  I wasn’t expecting a loss as I was out on Friday evening, and although I tried to make good choices, you never know how it will effect you. getting more consistency with my exercise and the healthy eating is going well. And I have had several people comment on my weight loss, which always is a boost.  Just want more of the same as we head to the new year.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Shoe Shopping


I text my husband that I had been shoe shopping.  And he text back that it wasn’t like me, and then I think the realisation hit him that I went shopping for running shoes.  I imagine the panic set in deeply then!

My previous running shoes had all been bought from the same local shop and in fact were all the same brand.  I had been pleased with the shoes and the shop. But this time I headed to sweatshop for two reasons.  One is their support of parkrun, which I really enjoy and so should be supported.  And the second was a £15 voucher that I received when I did my first parkrun.

The whole experience was fabulous.  I was put at ease and given great information by the assistant who obviously was a runner himself. I was measured up for insoles and had to stand on soft blocks and such like.  I knew about these and knew that they cost £45 (and are optional) but I imagine it could be a shock if you didn’t.  I tried three pairs of shoes and eventually plumped for the Brooks Ravenna 4.  Three runs in and they are comfortable and (so far) problem free.


I was very impressed by the whole experience and would certainly shop at Sweatshop again. If only they did bigger ladies clothing…

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in Numbers:

1lb off (*Did not run before weigh in*)

3 runs (including parkrun)

1 body pump class

1 circuits class

1 metafit class

My week in words:

Well,  a loss is a loss.  I am back on the wagon, although as you can see the classes aren’t up to usual as several different events conspired to keep me away from conditioning, zumba and aqua.  However I have a feeling that metafit may become a regular outing.  So this is the beginning of the push to get fitter for Christmas, the New Year and then start marathon training!

All the best,

Woody running spoon

Planning My Racing Calendar


The last few weekends I have been following the running exploits of people I follow on twitter.  I have to say that several times I have had complete race envy as I have heard how they have got on and seen the obligatory post race photo with medal.

But it has made me think of what races I would like to do in 2014.  The London Marathon is obviously my major target, my A race, but I do want to have other races to look forward to after it.  It is so much fun looking at races and deciding.  At the moment I am thinking mainly of 10ks and half marathons, a few after London in the Spring/Summer and a few more in the Autumn.  And with hopefully several parkruns thrown in, I am hoping that 2014 will be a very exciting race filled year.  As my calendar takes shape I will share it with you, and review each race after.

Good luck choosing your races.  there are so many fantastic ones out there!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers:

½ lb on (*did not run before*)

3 runs (including 1 big fat run)

1 zumba class

1 circuits class

2 aqua aerobics classes

My week in words:

I’d take that.  As explained in my previous post, I have had two meals out and one day baking (and eating!) gorgeous things!  But I managed to clamber back on the wagon quickly and kept up with my exercise routine.  It has made me more determined to lose weight next week and keep to what I am doing.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Half term happenings

family cycling

Happy half term!

I hope those of you that has your routine shattered by the addition of your lovely children around 24/7 and your routine blown out of the water are coping admirably.  I have 2/3rds of my children at home this week with the other one at a swim camp (lucky thing!).  In terms of exercise I have matched my usual amount (albeit slightly different classes) with 3 runs and 4 classes.  However in food terms, I have not been so angelic, with 3 days being off plan (a bake off day and two meals out) and 3 being bang on track.

But I am going to blow my own trumpet here (only for a short time, don’t worry).  I was off plan for 3 days.  BUT NOT FOR 6.  I did manage to clamber back onto the wagon.  I accept I will probably put on weight, but I am back on track with a minor blip, so it’s not all bad.

Anyway back to my classes.  I did Zumba and two lots of aqua aerobics and I tried for the first time circuits.  I really did not know what to expect, and was quite nervous waiting to go in as most others seemed to know each other.  Luckily there was a chap who was new too and we stuck together.  After a warm up of running around the instructor laid out several cards with exercises written on them and several members of the class scurried off and got out various pieces of equipment.

The instructor then went through one of the exercises and we all picked a base and did that exercise for 45 secs.  when we finished all the bases (there were 7) we had a drink and the instructor went through the next set of exercises.  Some exercises I recognised but others were completely new to me and the instructor came around and made sure you were doing them correctly.  When it came to weights there were different weights put out and several exercises could be done differently depending on your fitness level or experience.

I enjoyed the class and it certainly made me work.  It really is suitable for everyone, which I loved.  Would I go again? Yes.  Would I do it instead of my other classes?  No.  Not regularly, maybe as a one off if it suited me better, but I do enjoy pump, conditioning, aqua and zumba.  But I am so pleased I gave it a go.

Hope you are having a fun filled half term.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Rocking Routine


There is a delicious irony in writing this post all about my usual routine, when it is half term and the routine has gone out of the window.  Hey ho!  But hopefully it will ensure that I am back on the routine as quickly as possible.

I am really enjoying this routine and the fact that I have kept it up for close to 2 months is a testament to that fact.  And as I am sure you don’t need me to tell you, if you are enjoying something you are likely to continue with it.

So currently I do this:

Monday: Body Pump

Tuesday: Run

Wednesday: Body conditioning, Zumba

Thursday: Run, aqua aerobics

Friday; Rest day

Saturday: Run

Sunday: Rest day (occasional run or gym)

I feel I have a nice variety.  Body Pump and Body Conditioning helps tone me, Zumba is a bit of fun and as it is straight after Body Conditioning I think it helps to build up my stamina, and Aqua Aerobics is fun and I like to think of as active recovery (oh technical term there!!), as by Thursday my legs are a little achey and the water certainly helps them.  The classes are very enjoyable and have brought a camaraderie  that I didn’t expect. And I am sure the classes are having a positive effect on my weight loss and running.  And most lovely of all, I am thoroughly enjoying them.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers:

4 lb off

3 runs including 1 parkrun

1 body pump class

1 body conditioning class

1 zumba class

1 aqua aerobics class


My week in words:

How can I not be pleased as the weight loss seems to be catching up with how I feel?  Winning slimmer of the week was good too!  I do think the weight is affected by whether I run before or not, and from next week I’ll mark it (pre or post run) so I can keep track.  I am psyching myself up for next week and half term, a change to my routine and after that it’s full steam to Christmas, and trying to shift some more lard.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon



One Big Fat Run October


Yes it’s that time again. Time for #Onebigfatrun.  If you missed August and September’s events and are not sure what this is all about check out The Fat Girl’s Guide to Running information page.

But here are some quick pointers:

  • Sign up on facebook
  • Encourage others to sign up
  • Choose your 5k route
  • Walk, jog or run your 5k on 27.10.13
  • Take a finishers picture
  • Upload a picture onto social media with your finishing time
  • Tell everyone you completed #onebigfatrun
  • Good luck and enjoy!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Dealing with half term

family cycling

For many parents the words half term holiday will strike fear into them as their routines go out the window and children need to be amused for a whole week.  For what it’s worth I have always enjoyed having my children home, and not having to get up and out for school.  But what I am concerned about this half term is the break in routine.  Will I be able to fit in as much exercise as usual?  And how will my eating be affected? And I imagine that is the thinking for other parents who are trying to keep on healthy eating and exercise wagon.


There are several ways you can approach this change in routine.  You can keep your strict routine, not changing a thing.  You can adapt, realising that some days you may be able to squeeze in your exercise and keep to your healthy eating plan and on others you can’t. Or you can go off track completely.

Each three approaches have their merits.  What concerns me about the latter two is making sure you get back on the wagon as quickly as possible, or it could be a disastrous few weeks.

Remember you can involve your children in your healthy lifestyle.  A walk, bike ride or swim together is a great way of burning up calories and having quality time together.  A film night at home with healthy snacks can be a cheaper and a healthier alternative to a visit to the cinema.  One of our family favourites is baking day where we bake, bake, bake (I think our record is 5 different recipes!).  That can be healthy, and if not, well at least you know what goes in it. And if you do go out for a meal, there are good choices on the menu to be had. Don’t be afraid to ask for something different, such as dressings on the side.

So half term may not be falling off the wagon time.  Maybe you can even inspire your children too.  As for me…I’ll let you know how I get on!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon