Gaining motivation from words


When I am not in control and don’t care what I am eating I have no interest in motivational quotes.  I have no interest in weight loss stories or TV programmes either.  They are for other people.  But now that I feel more in control I love motivational quotes and have many favourited on my twitter account.  I also read them regularly and do actually (I kid you not) draw inspiration from them.  And a casing point was last weekend.

I was trying to work out how many pounds of weight I needed to lose to make my target.  Then it hit me-a lot.  A massive amount.  And I had only scratched the surface.

Suddenly all the positivity that I had built up came crashing down.  It would take months, maybe longer, to lose the weight. It had taken so much work to get this far, and that was nowhere.  I must admit for a brief moment I started to panic. And then I remembered this:

Always concentrate on how far you have come, rather than how far you have left to go.

So I thought about how far I had come.  The compliments.  The slightly looser clothes.  The enjoyment in exercising.  Then I thought about carrying on my modest progress for a few more weeks.  What could that mean?  Another stone off before Christmas?  Maybe another pb at parkrun?  And then I relaxed. I have a long, long way to go but by celebrating what I have achieved the journey doesn’t seem so long and painful. It seems achievable. So whoever wrote those words, thank you.  They have helped keep me on track, and am sure have motivated many others.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

One Big Fat Run


As a newbie to this blogging lark, I have been reading other people’s blogs to learn more about what is popular and get ideas.  As well as enjoying their triumphs and getting inspiration from them. I find that I am drawn to the blogs of people who maybe in a similar situation to me or have been there.

One great blog is The Fat Girl’s Guide to Running.  And Fatty has a dream of 1 million overweight runners from all over the globe will take part in a single running event. So she has created “One Big Fat Run” and the inaugural event was on 25th August 2013 and this month’s is on 29th September 2013.

It is over 5K (a distance that is do-able for everyone), and can be done on a treadmill, in a park, on the roads and whenever you wish on that particular day.

So please check out Fatty’s website and join in with this month’s “One Big Fat Run”.  Good luck and enjoy!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers:

1 ½ lbs lost

3 runs including 1 parkrun

1 bodypump class

1 Zumba class

1 Aqua Aerobics class

1 gym session

My week in words:

Very pleased! Very pleased! Very pleased!  1 ½ lbs, I always consider, a nice steady weight loss.  I have been pretty good all week-the only blip at the weekend I had a couple of cakes.  But then on the positive that was it.  No “oh dear my diet’s gone”. Just continue with what I have been doing.  And I have been enjoying it.  Some lovely recipes-the sweet and sour chicken was gorgeous- and am loving the exercise especially getting a new PB at parkrun and even enjoying zumba!  I just want to keep in this groove for as long as I can…

I hope that your week was good too.

All the best,


Woodyrunning spoon

Girl on the Run


I do realise that considering this is a running blog I haven’t really blogged much about running.  And I have actually been running-regularly 3 times a week since this blog has started.  So I thought today’s update would be a little bit about me pounding the streets.

At present I am following a couch to 10k plan.  I have downloaded an app and merrily follow it.  It’s very simple-it literally tells me what to do and when.

My rationale behind this was that I’d like to be doing 10k comfortably by the turn of the year as that is when my marathon training starts.  I was lucky enough to get a prized ballot entry to the London Marathon 2013.  However I decided to defer it to 2014 (I will tell you the whole tale one day) and wanted to be in better shape than I was at the turn of 2013.

So I have started on this plan and have done six weeks out of fourteen.  It has been 3 times a week and a mixture of running and walking. It’s been very enjoyable thus far, and certainly I would recommend it to anyone aiming to go from couch to a 10k.

With the running, healthy eating and other gym activities I am feeling well at the moment.  One of the reasons for wanting to shift the lard is so I don’t have to carry it around 26.2 miles!  And maybe I’ll even get a little quicker…

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Weight loss support…Slimming Groups

scales and measure drawing

Last week I waxed lyrical about the benefits of group exercise sessions.  And today I am singing the praises of the slimming group.

It has taken me numerous weight loss attempts to come to the conclusion that I need the support of a slimming group.  I can’t do it on my own, no matter how much I convince myself.  For me, my greatest weight loss successes have happened when I have attended a slimming club.  It doesn’t suit everyone, but I like the weigh-in, the structure of a plan and the support.

I try to stay at my Slimming World meetings but as it clashes with parkrun and often my children’s commitments I am unable to every week.  But even if I quickly pop in to weigh, I know I am always assured of seeing a friendly face, can share how my week was with someone, and catch up with friend’s successes.  And when I do stay I draw inspiration from other members, whether it’s their weight loss, ideas, understanding or just the realisation that I am not alone, there are others out there fighting the same battles.  My Slimming World group feels like a wonderful comfort blanket and I am grateful to them all for what I have gained from it.  So if you are struggling alone remember the Slimming World’s motto: “When you’ve had a good week, the group needs you.  When you have had a bad week, you need the group.”

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers:

1lb loss

2 body pump classes

1 aqua aerobics class

3 runs


My week in words:

1lb off.  A loss is a loss, and after two weeks ago’s disappointment and then the great loss last week I am not too upset.  What has pleased me is that I am still “in the groove”.  Talking to many of my friends at Slimming World, a lot of them have fallen off the wagon and some have been more successful than others getting back on to it. But I have stayed focused, kept up with my exercise regime (apart from missing zumba as my knee was twinging a little) and have enjoyed it.  It would be lovely to lose 3lb every week but I would be happy to look back at a month and have lost ½ stone.  And continue to enjoy my food, keep control and enjoy exercising.  So far, so good!

I hope that your week was good!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Singing the praises of group training



I admit I do like to run on my own.  I can go when I like (usually early morning), where I like (very unadventurous courses where I live), and can plug myself into my I-phone and while away the time listening to my parkrun or Marathon talk podcasts.

And going to the gym, again I do by myself…mainly because I don’t know anyone else who goes to my gym.  But when it comes to group exercise, I am a massive fan!

There have been numerous studies telling us that exercising/losing weight with a buddy or family member helps.  But for many of us it may not be practical.  But for me group training has the best of both worlds; I choose the classes that are convenient but I also have a ready-made support system.  Every class I have been to has had an enthusiastic instructor.  Yes it’s their job, but so far I haven’t found a duff one.  And in most of the classes I have found helpful, kind people who are willing to help out a newbie.  Occasionally, as in life, there is someone who knows best, who looks and feels unapproachable but to be fair I have found them few and far between.  And another wonderful aspect is the fun you can have! Many smiles and giggles are shared, plus at the end there is an overwhelming sense of achievement.


My tips

Think about what you enjoy and what is practical when you choose a class.  If you are petrified on water, aqua aerobics may not be for you.  Equally if you know you are out of shape try not go for an advanced two hour class.  It will put you off!

Try several.  One of the beauties of belonging to a gym is that it doesn’t cost any extra to do the classes.  I have admitted that Zumba is not really my bag, but I have given it a go and then I’ll try something else.  I know that I have no rhythm, timing or balance.  So classes where these ingredients are vital, for me, would be a recipe for disaster.  One of the reason I love aqua aerobics so much, is that even though there is balancing and dancing, the water hides a multitude of sins!

If you are doing several a week think about the aims of the classes.  Some will be aerobic that will help to burn calories and work the heart and lungs.  Some will be conditioning-focusing more on toning, strength and endurance.  And others may focus on flexibility and condition as well as providing a calm and relaxing experience.  You may want to mix these classes up so you have a complete workout and certain areas of your body (I am thinking of knees if overweight) are not overworked and could be injured.

Most of all enjoy it!  It might be that group exercise is not for you.  But I have enjoyed it and have met some great people all wanting the same thing-to get fitter. It certainly is something I intend to keep up.

All, the best,


Woodyrunning spoon


5 tasty treats…all under 100 calories

Fruit and veg

I don’t know about you but sticking to a healthy eating regime after years of pretty much eating what I want is tough.  Don’t get me wrong, I love fruit and some of the meals I’ve cooked do not taste like they are low fat, and are incredibly full of flavour, but I feel like I am missing something (which I am, lots of calories, lol!)


So here are 5 of my current favourite treats.  Treats that won’t break the calorie bank and give me something to look forward to! And all for under 100 calories.


  1. Freddo bar016

A small chocolate bar that is 95 calories.  Perfect for any chocoholic to enjoy without too much guilt.  A friend of mine has one a day and woe betides anyone in her family that takes her Freddo!


2. Special K Biscuit moments013

A handy little pack of two biscuits that are chocolately in the middle.  A lovely little treat that are 98 calories for the two biscuits.


3. Iced gemsiced gems

One of my favourite treats from childhood and also from adulthood.  A fabulous bag of biscuity loveliness that are only 99 calories.  Yum! Yum!


4. Special K cracker crisps015

Every so often I fancy something savoury.  And these hit the spot.  86 calories a bag they are tasty and won’t ruin your healthy eating.  And they are fab with a dip!  Sweet Chilli is my favourite flavour at the mo.


5. Pink and Whites018

My current favourite.  This marshmallow sandwiched between two wafers brings joy with every mouthful.  A treat that feels so much naughtier and only 50 calories each piece.  Divine.


So what are your little treats? Care to share?  Whatever they are, enjoy them!


All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week


My week in numbers:

3 ½ lbs lost

3 runs including 1 parkrun

1 bodypump class

2 zumba classes

1 aqua aerobics class


My week in words:


A much better result on the scales this week.  Although whatever it said I feel so much better.  I feel that I am making good choices; I am (mainly) enjoying my exercise (Zumba incident apart) and my food.  It was nice to get a compliment at work, and am hoping that my clothes will start to feel a little bit looser soon.  And did I mention how much I am enjoying the exercise?  It makes such a difference not just to weight loss but to my self-esteem.  I am hoping my enjoyment and motivation stays high!

Hope your week was good!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Motivational Quotes


It’s getting towards the end of the week.  We might have started the week full of vigour and enthusiasm but lets face it, our motivation can drain away.  So in the first of what I hope will be become a regular series here are a few of my favourite motivational quotes.

David Viscott: You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.

Jim Rohn: Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

Marvin Phillips: The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!

Plato: The first and the best victory is to conquer self.

Vincent Lombardi: The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.

Leigh Hunt: The groundwork of all happiness is health.

Will Rogers: The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.

I hope you gain a little umph from these quotes!  Maybe you have your own mantra or favourite saying that helps you along when the going gets tough. Whatever it is, I hope it helps you to keep your motivation high.


All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon