My Week


First thing to say was it was a big weight loss this week.  I had been more focused (other than eldest’s birthday), and it obviously paid off.  A few more weeks like that (the focus not necessarily the big weight loss, although that would be nice) and I’d feel I’d be back right on track.

Again this week I ran more than was on my plan.  Last Sunday I woke up feeling off colour, so I decided not to run.  Instead I ran on Monday with a friend, Tuesday did my interval sessions, and ended up running twice on Wednesday, once with my friend and once with my daughter.  So I decided to go on the turbo on Thursday for a change and had a rest day Friday. It was parkrun Saturday and finally I did a longer slow run on Sunday-something that I had missed doing. So again it was a packed week, but I must make sure I am not going too far into the short, faster stuff and losing all the endurance that I had built up marathon training.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon




My Week


First thing to say was I put on weight.  Second week in a row.  Both fully deserved, as I have been sticking to the plan maybe 75%.  Meals have been good, but little extras have crept in.  I need to fully focus as that’s what brings results.  My leader gave me a good tip of writing down why I want to lose weight, but also why I don’t.  I do feel my focus reforming, especially as I have so many running aims to complete this year, and weight loss will only help.  So it’s time to focus, focus, focus.

As for the running, well I over ran this week.  A series of events (friends asking me to run with them) meant I ran Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Unsurprisingly my run on Thursday, although absolutely beautiful as I ran alongside the canal path, was very tough.  For someone that is used to running 3-4 times a week, it was overkill.  Maybe at some stage I will be running that much, but so far (touching wood) I have been luck with illness and injury.  I don’t want to push my luck.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

My Week



It was back on the running plan this week, after a gentle week post London.  With a 10k at the end of May I have taken a 10k plan and shoehorned it into the dwindling number of weeks!  My aim is to run 3-4 times a week, including parkrun whenever possible.

So this week started with an interval session, which had me puffing!  They are tough, but I do feel the benefits-I think.  then a 3 miler and on Saturday a parkrun PB! Whoopie!  And a 4 miler to finish off.  It feels odd to do shorter distances after so long building up the miles, but I do have to remind myself I am only 2 weeks post marathon and they say the body needs a day a mile (i.e. 26 days) to recover.  Down size: I put on weight this week.  I do want to lose weight as I know I am not at target yet, and I want to get quicker!  So I do need to sort myself out and start losing regularly again.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

How to apply for the London Marathon


So you’ve watched the London Marathon.  Been enthused by the television programmes?  Perhaps you know someone who has done it, and you think ‘you know what, I can do it!’

What is the next step?  How do I get a place in one of the greatest races in the world?  Fear not, I will explain.

To get a ballot place you need to act quickly.  The ballot opens on Tuesday 22nd April.  At what time, no one is certain, but last year it closed when it reached 125,000 applicants.  And that took 11 hours!  You find out in October, and it is thought you have a 1 in 7 chance although this is not confirmed. Entry is via

The second way to gain place is to run for a charity.  There are charity places available now, so it’s benefits are you can start training immediately.  However, to gain a Charity place you will have to commit to raise a certain amount of money (probably around £2000).  Think carefully if raising money could be an issue as trying to train for a marathon as well as fundraising can take its toll.

Running clubs often have places, and so if you are a member of a club it is worth enquiring what the procedure is regarding gaining the club place.  Clubs will have their own ways of selecting their runners.

And the final way is “Good for Age”.  The London Marathon has places for runners who have a run a full marathon below certain times.



Time (in    hours)


Time (in    hours)

Age   18 – 40

sub   3:05

Age   18 – 40

sub   3:45

Age   41 – 49

sub   3:15

Age   41 – 49

sub   3:50

Age   50 -59

sub   3:20

Age   50 -59

sub   4:00

Age   60 – 64

sub   3:45

Age   60 – 64

sub   4:30

Age   65 – 69

sub   4:00

Age   65 – 69

sub   5:00

Age   70 – 75

sub   5:00

Age   70 – 75

sub   6:00


sub   5:30


sub   6.30


These were last year times, but there is no guarantee they will remain the same for 2015.

Good luck if you decide to enter the London Marathon.  But remember if you don’t get a place, other marathons are available…

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

Virgin London Marathon Report


I am not sure how long I have wanted to run the London Marathon, but it has been a part of my life for a long time.  Every April seeing it would inspire me, but usually I would do nothing about it.  My brother did it, and a couple of other people I know, but I hadn’t.  Then I got a ballot place.  I was over the moon!  But my training was pants and I wasn’t in the right place physically or emotionally.  My brother persuaded me to defer and it was probably the best advice he has ever given me.  So I started back up running in the summer with a view to the Marathon in April and this time I would complete it.

My training had gone well, in that I completed all my sessions.  The only negative was that my long runs were not as long as advised, but I still managed a 19, 18 a couple of 16 miles.  I had lost weight and was probably fitter than I had been in a long while.

So my journey was a long one.  It also was an unforgettable one.

We arrived in London at Saturday lunchtime and the plan was for me to go to the Expo and my family to gad about London!  The Expo was fantastic-so much stuff but I can see how people can be sucked into spending a long time there.  I went back to my room and relaxed and got my things organised for the next day.  I had dinner in the hotel and my family came back half way through it, having had a wonderful time in London and quite possibly buying half of it!

I had a reasonably good night sleep and had a shower before breakfast.  The hotel had put on porridge and bananas as an extra, but I stuck to my usual Weetabix and banana and toast with Nutella.  I was surprised to see some runners tucking into sausages, bacon and eggs!

A quick goodbye to my girls (husband and son asleep in another room) and walked the few hundred yards to the DLR.  It was packed with runners and their families.  I headed to where my charity was meeting but they had gone so I went along with the crowd to the park.

Once I had found the Blue Start I dropped my bag off, queued for the loo (only took a few minutes), grabbed a coffee and just sat on the grass watching the coverage.  It was a warm morning, which did worry me, but for the moment I just enjoyed it.  Soon it was time to make my way to my pen (pen 9-the party pen allegedly!) and I was waiting with everyone else, getting slightly nervous.  However someone made me laugh as she offered her daughter a cereal bar and then offered me one!

Gradually we started to move forward and it was 10:18 when I crossed the start line.  It had begun!

My plan was to follow a run walk strategy of run 30 seconds and walk 30 seconds.  I did wonder if at the start I should run for a mile or two as it might be a little crowded.  But watching everyone I realised that starting too fast would be the problem, so pretty much immediately I went to run/walk.  Very sweetly another runner asked if I was ok and I explained I was doing run/walk.  I did see a runner pre mile 2 getting attention and my heart went out to him.  The crowds early on were great and I remember thinking (stupidly I know) the noise will die down and so will the heat!  The noise was patchy at times but more of that later.

I had a quick pit stop and then carried on.  Things were going fine but I do remember thinking-when does London start?  The red start merged with us and I think they must have taken longer to get through their start as there were definitely faster runners trying to overtake us.  I was asked by a gentleman if I had seen a jigsaw piece!  Quite a normal question in the context!  Also there were some rhinos and they got massive cheers-it was great being close to them!

Then it was nearly mile 6 and I knew that there was the Cutty Sark, as well as a cheering point for my charity.  That was fab. I found out later that I ran past my brother, totally ignoring him!  I was concentrating so much on running!


The next few miles pat well, no real issues at all.  My mile splits were getting slower and I knew I was unlikely to break 6 hours.  But I kept going with my RWR strategy.  I was totally blown away by the crowd offering so much food.  The support you expect, but there were so many bowls of sweets on offer that I need not have taken my own jelly babies.  It was so appreciated.

Then there came a real ‘wow’ moment.  I turned a corner and there was Tower Bridge.  It was as good as everyone said.  I felt like an Olympian going across and it was a real boost.  I knew that soon after Tower Bridge I should see my family and so I started to concentrate on the crowd.



But just before mile 14 I made my biggest mistake.  I stopped for the toilet.  I needed to go and there was no way I could have waited until the end, but I queued about 15 minutes.  I watched so many people go past that I had passed, like the marching band, Paul the oldest runner in the race and the rhinos.  I was really deflated running off and found it hard to get back in my rhythm.  It was great to see my dad, step-mum, brother and cousin, and then about 200 yards down the road (around a corner, so they didn’t know each other were there!) was my husband and children.  Again it was a real boost although the next part would be the toughest part of my race.

I don’t know why I found the next part tough.  It wasn’t physically, although my toes on right foot hurt and I did have an ache in my right leg.  Despite the heat I wasn’t overly hot and bothered, and I made sure I drank regularly although not too often.  I felt like I had energy, and mentally I was OK.  I kept on convincing myself that my strategy was working.  Well it was.

Putting this into context, this was a dip.  It wasn’t a crisis, and I had been through worse on my long runs.  But at 18 miles I puicked up a bit.  I realised it was 8 miles to go and last week I had done an 8 miler.  Then at 19 miles I saw my family again and that was a massive boost.

I was concerned that I had not done more than 19 miles in training as I approached mile 20, but I need not have worried.  I was feeling stronger.  I made a decision that at mile 23 I would carry on with my 30;30 strategy if I was ok, would walk if I was struggling, or increase my run segments if I felt strong.  I felt very strong.  I managed to get a Lucozade from Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain which was great and then ran through a very motivating tunnel!  But the Embankment was my favourite part.  The crowd were going wild as the runners were so close and they made sure we all knew!  And I felt close.  This was the London that I had thought about and it was every bit as amazing as I had imagined.

There was a little part running through the city and then there was a sign 600 metres to go!  A marshal came to run with me for a few paces but then there was another sign 385 yards to go!  Then a few steps further and it was the sight I had dreamed of for so long; that I used to motivate myself so often-the Mall.



It was shorter than I expected and before I knew it I had crossed the line arms raised. A few steps and my tag was removed and a medal was placed around my neck.  I must admit at that point I got a little emotional and when I had my post run photo I kept my sun glasses on!

I then collected my bag and started to head towards the meet and greet point.  I finally hit the wall! I felt tired and weak and just wanted a sit down.  I spoke to my husband and couldn’t work out how I was to get to where he was!  Fortunately moments later my children came bounding up, and I felt a bit better.  When I realised how close the car was I was fine and by the time I reached the car I had perked up!  It was then a chance to catch up with their day and scoff some of the food!

It was a sensational day-everything I could have hoped for and more.  The time was slower than I would have liked but I would not swap it if it meant I finished as well as I did.  The crowd was amazing, and I grateful to everyone who shouted out my name, offered their support and sweets!  My family have been so supportive that I was pleased that they appeared to have had a good day.  Would I do another?  YES PLEASE!


All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon


Fat and Back



I recently watched a fascinating documentary called “Fat and Back”. It charted a year in Paul “PJ” James’ life as he aimed to gain 50% of his body weight in six months and then lose it in six months.  PJ is a very successful fitness trainer but he had never been overweight and so couldn’t comprehend the difficulties that overweight people faced not only in losing weight but in everyday life.

The first thing that shocked me was PJ giving up exercise completely while he gained weight.  That sent shivers down my spine, and I haven’t dedicated my life to fitness as PJ had.  I do wonder how much that affected him, because as he gained weight, he certainly showed signs of depression and at one point a doctor urged him to stop because of his mental health.  PJ showed how easy it was to become addicted to junk food as he struggled to eat clean. He also had an inkling of how nervous overweight people can be as they go to the gym for the first time.

I have to admit I wasn’t as interested in seeing PJ take on a client, as I didn’t see what value it added to the programme.  But overall it was a good watch.  And it did make a personal trainer (and hopefully his colleagues and friends) realise the problems that overweight people face when trying to lose weight.

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

And So…

breaking news

Yes I completed the London Marathon.  I am still on a high.  And what’s more my legs are not too bad!  Full report to follow.  But it was a magical day and so worth all the early mornings, the hours training and the effort!


All the best,

Woody running spoon

Counting down

sand timer

The clock is ticking and we are now looking at hours rather than days!  The past few weeks have really passed by quickly and on Sunday will be something that I have been preparing for for several months and looking forward for years!

I am still not nervous although it is increasingly taking most of my thoughts.  I have tried to make lists and make sure I am organised and don’t forget anything daft-like my trainers or entry letter!

Lots of people say they feel terrible during taper, or conversely wonderful.  I don’t feel either-just normal!  It does feel like ages since I did a really long run, although the past two Sundays I have done 8 and 12 miles.  I think because I am not putting any pressure on myself-I just want to finish-that has helped with the nerves.

So today I have really thought about my hydration and have been drinking water and squash regularly.  Although I have not been sticking to healthy eating plan I have tried not to go too mad as I know it can make me feel yukky.

Expo tomorrow and I think the excitement and nerves will build…

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon

The Final Countdown

nervous runner


No not the catchy Europe song, although now I have that going around my head.  But it really is the last leg of my marathon journey.  I am in full taper-trying not to eat everything in sight and getting paranoid about any ache, pain or cough.  I am keeping the nerves at bay, although it is the most asked question at present; “Are you nervous?”

I think the nerves will kick in Saturday when I go to the expo and think, crumbs what have I done?  But at present I am happy compiling lists on paper and in my head, and re-reading my instruction magazine.  Maybe it’s better to be blissfully ignorant!

I will write a longer post about my preparation this week, although anyone looking for advice may not want to follow my diet as it has included ice cream. And popcorn.  Surely that’s carbo loading, right?


All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon


My Week


My Week in numbers

Stayed the same

4 runs

2 exercise classes

1 zumba class

1 aqua aerobics class

My week in words:

Not too disappointed as I have had some great weight losses recently. Probably been over doing the food at the weekend, but it’s tricky post long run, and I am conscious not to eat everything in sight but equally, often I am hungry.  But will take this week, as long as I start losing again quickly!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon