Tag Archives: Running

Overtaking everyone on the couch…


Let’s get running!

Well it’s easy, right?  I mean we run as children, and we’ve all watched the London Marathon when you have people of all ages and sizes running, including people run dressed as rhino’s and giraffes, and they manage.  But when you’ve finally decided to start running, it can seem a little overwhelming.

The good news is there are lots of magazine, books, websites and blogs about running and many of them give fantastic advice.  But the bad news is, only you know how you feel, and sometimes that is not covered, especially if you are nervous or anxious about being seen in public running.

For what it is worth I have had very few negative comments when running.  And remember you are running faster than everyone on the couch!  That really is important to remember-if you step out and start running, you are doing something that many people don’t have the confidence or guts to try.

So here are a few quick tips for the nervous beginner:

  • If you have any Health concerns at all pre-running, get yourself checked out with your GP or a physiotherapist.
  • You don’t need expensive kit to start off.  That can come later! It’s important to feel comfortable.  Two provisos would be a good sports bra for women, and decent sports shoes.  This will reduce the risk of injury.
  • Start slowly, especially if you haven’t exercised in some time.  Don’t worry about walking at first, and build it up slowly.  There are many beginner plans around, but for the complete beginner it might be a good idea to try one of the many couch to 5k plans.
  • Choose a time that suits you and fits in with your lifestyle.  It might be early morning or late evening if you prefer not to be seen.
  • Try to keep it fun.  If you start doing too much too quickly you run the risk of getting injured or losing your enthusiasm.


Good luck and enjoy!

All the best,

Woodyrunning spoon




In the beginning

The first step is the hardest so they say.  And I have taken many first steps.  But I want these to be the last first steps I take.  Comprende?  Let me explain…

I am overweight.  I have been as long as I can remember.  Occasionally I lose weight but inevitably I put it all on.  I can’t say weight has blighted my life.  I have not been bullied because of my size, I am married to a lovely man and have three beautiful children, have wonderful friends and a job, but I also wonder…what would it be like to be thin? To go to any shop and buy clothes because I want to not because it fits?  To not worry about fitting into chairs or seats?

I also love sports.  And I do like taking part in sport.  And to be honest I would love to take part in events and not check the slowest time from last year and wonder if I will come last (I have on several occasions come last and actually don’t worry about it too much.) and by how much.  I would like to be a mid-packer not a back-of-the-packer.

So for the 2356th time of asking I am on a healthy eating programme (Slimming World) and have the London Marathon entry looming large.  I want this time to be different, because I want you to come on this journey with me.  And maybe together we can inspire each other to achieve.

All the Best,

The Wooden Spoonrunning spoon